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Bryce Week 1 2023


320 is currently shaking trying to hold on for dear life to Ms. Deskiski’s hard carry, because this speed weekend consisted of total BLUE HAUS DOMINATION (total unbiased opinion). To quote the former webmaster, “God I Love Women.” Saturday, the lady boarders wiped the competition placing first overall in GS with Glizzy taking 5th, and on Sunday, our ladybirds placed second overall. Ladyskiers came, drank some Celsius, saw, and conquered. Whitney Fitzgerald is your girl to call when you need to rizz on first year girls during ADPi recruitment, pilates classes, and to absolutely demolish GS, placing second and third during both GS races. Cat Deskiski took a break from being a park god to place fifth and fourth. Did you smell that ??!

Smells like speed. Lady Skiers Sunday GS course was too stanky for me with first year Logan Lindstrom’s NASTY run where she took first, overall our ladies placing first both days. Man Boarders took 4th in both GS and Slalom, I heard Ross’ granny dress intimidated several teams to actually leave the competition. As for the men’s skiers, Charlie Olsen did what Charlie does best and placed first on Saturday, helping secure second place overall for UVA. On Sunday, thanks to a sendy second run by el presidente Crappy, Men’s Skiers place third overall.

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